Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he ‘won’t take sides on 9/11’

By 37ci3 Jul5,2024

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It was posted on social media on Friday that when it comes down to it, “it’s hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn’t.” September 11 terrorist attacks.

“As president, I’m not going to take sides on the 9/11 or any other debates. But I can promise to open the files and open a new era of transparency,” Kennedy said. An inscription in X says. He followed that post up a short time later with another that said he was referring to the almost two-week-old segment on CBS.60 Minutes“On possible Saudi participation in terrorist attacks against the United States in 2001.

segment, Kennedy wrote“It was causing all kinds of speculation about X.”

One the third post About an hour later, he wrote that “speculation about a possible cover-up by our government is outside the mainstream of our political culture” and that the way to restore trust “is through honesty and transparency.” Solve all 9/11 related questions, [unidentified aerial phenomena] and other controversial topics. I am personally agnostic about these issues.”

Kennedy’s campaign has not commented on the “sides” or any other “debates” he was referring to in his tweet, other than to point to his article in the “60 Minutes” report.

The US government said al-Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden were behind the attacks. The 9/11 Commission said in report It found no evidence that Saudi leaders were complicit, but found that Saudi nationals played a key role in financing al-Qaeda.

There is a group of 9/11 families watered Saudi government The bloodiest act of terrorism in US history. 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the attack were citizens of Saudi Arabia, where bin Laden was also born. The Saudi government has denied any link.

A 60 Minutes report has been in the spotlight recently unsealed video of a Saudi spy who filmed the US Capitol in 1999.

spread Kennedy anti-vaccine conspiracy theories has for years relied on earlier, more controversial 9/11 conspiracy theories, but has no position on them.

“Strange things happened on 9/11,” he said of writer Peter Bergen.In the room” podcast last September. “I don’t know what happened on 9/11. That is, I understand what the official explanation is, I understand that there are different opinions. I haven’t looked at it. I researched it, I’m not a good person to talk about it,” he said Guardian.

Kennedy then suggested that it was mysterious, pointing to a building that had been damaged in the attack and later collapsed after uncontrolled fires. The collapse is often cited by conspiracy theorists who claim it was a controlled demolition or some sort of accident. in the business.

“I mean, listen, I don’t want to argue any theories about this because all I hear are questions. I have no explanation. I don’t know anything about it,” Kennedy said of the collapse, which he called “freakish.”

There is also Kennedy blamed the CIA for the murder his father and uncle have previously made guest appearances as conspiracy theorists Alex Jones’ Infowars Show. His assistant, Nicole Shanahan, is one vaccine skepticand praised Kennedy for taking it in an interview with Newsweek.vaccination wounds seriously.”

Kennedy is not the only presidential candidate to claim that 9/11 is still unknown in 2024.

In 2022, former President Donald Trump doubt about any connection between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks while defending the hosting of a Saudi-sponsored tournament at a golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey.

“Unfortunately, no one has and should get to the bottom of 9/11.” Trump said on time.

A year later, former Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said Atlantic“I want the truth about 9/11.”

“I think it’s fair to say how many police, how many federal agents were on the planes that hit the Twin Towers. Maybe the answer is zero. Probably zero for all I know, right? I have no reason to think it’s anything other than zero. But if we do a comprehensive assessment of what happened on 9/11, we have a 9/11 commission, it should be an answer that the public knows the answer to.” Ramaswamy then said.

He supported Trump after he dropped out of the 2024 race.

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By 37ci3

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