Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Biden speaks with Netanyahu as tensions over the Israel-Hamas war mount in the US

By 37ci3 Apr29,2024

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden had a telephone conversation with the Israeli prime minister on Sunday Benjamin Netanyahu Amid growing protests on US college campuses, and perhaps imminent invasion Rafah.

The two discussed areas of commonality, Biden “reaffirmed.”[ing] His commitment to Israel’s security” Iran’s missile and drone attack Earlier this month, the White House read about the country. The leaders reviewed discussions on hostages and ceasefire, and discussed humanitarian aid to Gaza.

But the call also highlighted the daylight between the two over Israel’s strategy in the southern Gaza city Welfare. Netanyahu shows no sign of backing down from a ground attack there – a potential move the US has publicly opposed.

“Leaders discussed Rafah and the president reiterated his clear position,” he said has read he said.

Currently, more than one million Palestinians are sheltering in the city.

This was stated by the spokesman of the National Security Council, John Kirby, on Sunday morning he said In an interview with ABC News, the Israelis “assured us that they would not enter Rafah until we had a chance to share our perspectives and concerns with them.”

“So we’ll see where it goes,” he said.

The call comes as pro-Palestinian protests sweep college campuses. Although the demands of the protesters varied among schools, many student organizers calling for an end to the war and calling on their universities to divest from companies doing business in Israel.

Biden faced criticism From progressive and Muslim Americans for their support of Israel, a longtime US ally, after the surprise terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7th. he called to him to condemn the rebellion antisemitism on college campuses.

Sunday’s conversation was the first phone conversation between Biden and Netanyahu since then April 4Biden speaking with Netanyahu after an Israeli airstrike killed 7 World Central Kitchen aid workers.

During a previous April call, Biden stressed that “the strikes on aid workers and the overall humanitarian situation are unacceptable,” according to the White House. has read.

1 April in the days following aid workers deathsThe administration’s public rhetoric against the Israeli government has intensified, with the president criticizing his Israeli counterpart more than ever. Biden said in early April, he said he thought Netanyahu had made a “mistake” in his handling of the war, adding: “I don’t agree with his approach.”

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By 37ci3

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