Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Who does China’s president want to win the U.S. election?

By 37ci3 Oct22,2024

“US-China relations will still face challenges under Harris’ presidency, but may be more stable than during the Trump and Biden years,” Wu said.

Harris has never been to China, but he has made many trips to Asia, including the Philippines, as vice president. He reiterated Washington’s commitment to defend its ally against Chinese aggression South China Sea.

His only direct meeting with Xi took place on another of those trips in 2022 they briefly exchanged ideas At the Asia-Pacific summit in Bangkok.

As a senator, Harris co-sponsored the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act, which condemned Beijing’s rights abuses. China’s Xinjiang regionand supporting Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act Democracy in China. (Trump signed both.)

“The vice president clearly sees the threats from China, and as president, he will ensure that the United States wins the competition for the 21st century,” a campaign spokesman said.

It remains unclear who in the Harris administration will advise on China policy, while Trump is likely to turn to the same people who influenced China policy in his first term, such as national security adviser Robert O’Brien. and Mike Pompeoformer CIA Director and Secretary of State.

The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

China’s heavily censored social media is dominated by Trump supporters.

Some are less concerned with Trump’s China policy but admire his authoritarian tendencies and “anti-awakening” rhetoric, said host and co-founder Kaiser Kuo. Sinica Podcast.

Others said Trump could undermine US alliances, irritate many countries by imposing tariffs and generally “undermine America’s standing in the world, which is good for China.”

A common Chinese translation of Trump’s name is Chuan Jianguo, or “Trump Builds a Nation”—the nation is China.

But it is a mistake for both countries to think of the US-China relationship as a zero-sum game, Jia said. “What’s bad for the US is not necessarily good for China,” he said.

Walz’s Chinese record

Harris’ running mate, who has the most China experience of the four on the Republican and Democratic tickets, is Minnesota Governor. Tim Waltz. After college, he spent a year teaching English in China and then started a company with his wife that took high school students to China every summer for years.

Walz wanted to go to China “to see for myself what the country is all about before making any judgments,” says Christy Day, a student from Walz’s China days who now lives in Perth, Australia.

Walz, a longtime critic of China’s human rights record, said the purpose of his trip there was to help young Americans learn more about China and young Chinese learn more about democracy.

“I understand China a lot better than Donald Trump,” he told reporters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, this month, noting that he heaped praise on Trump’s “very good friend” Xi.

In it last memoryHR McMaster, Trump’s former national security adviser, revealed at the time that he told the president’s chief of staff, John Kelly, that Trump had fallen into Xi’s “trap” when discussing Taiwan and US military exercises with South Korea and ignored McMaster’s points. It was prepared for him before the meeting in Beijing in 2017. (A Trump campaign spokeswoman said McMaster’s memoir was “full of untrue stories.”)

“Xi Jinping is not someone you should look up to,” Walz said. “Xi Jinping is not someone you should say is doing as well as Donald Trump Said about covid.”

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By 37ci3

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