Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s super PAC launches TV ad targeting GOP on abortion

By 37ci3 Feb25,2024

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s super PAC is launching a new television ad this week in Tennessee targeting “Trump Republicans” on abortion.

An ad from the Campaign for Democracy, first shared with NBC News’ Meet the Press, features a young woman handcuffed to a hospital bed screaming for help, with a narrator telling viewers that “Trump Republicans want to criminalize young women who travel.” get the reproductive care they need. Don’t let them hold Tennessee women hostage.”

“These guys are limiting a young woman’s right to have a child, her right to self-determination, and they’re determining their future lives by telling them they can’t travel,” she said. “Meet the Press” on Saturday.

The Democracy Campaign plans to run an ad in Tennessee for a bill in the state legislature — one in the state House and one in the state Senate — that would create the crime of “abortion trafficking,” or helping minors obtain abortions without parental supervision. consent.

The bills propose making any offense that criminalizes the “recruitment, harboring, or transportation within the state of a pregnant minor for the purpose of concealing an abortion from the minor’s parents” a Class C felony. a mandatory minimum sentence of six years in prison.

“These travel restrictions [are] modeled after a previous version, and Idaho is now offered in Tennessee, Oklahoma and Mississippi,” Newsom said.

“How serious this point is. And we have to be more aggressive,” he continued.

The ad comes just one week after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos are human beingsendangers in vitro fertilization and other forms of fertility treatment in the state.

“This is not just a war on travel. This is not just a war on reproductive health. It’s also a war on women more broadly defined,” Newsom he said.

The Democracy Campaign plans to run similar ads in other states that are considering abortion travel bans, such as Oklahoma, Mississippi and Alabama.

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By 37ci3

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